
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Technology Reflections

When I started this semester I was extremely nervous and excited. I had enrolled into my final six classes before I would start my student teaching in the spring. With taking six classes, I knew that I would have tons of homework, but I felt that I was up for the challenge. I was put on this path of getting my teaching license for a reason and I wasn’t going to let a few classes stand in my way.
One of the classes that I found nerve wrecking was my technology class. I have not been a big fan of technology because they have always found a way to mess up what I needed to do. I have always said a computer should have been a four letter word as much as I cuss it. I have had a few times that if the computer was any lighter I would have thrown it out the window. Because of the frustrations I have had in the past I was scared at what I would have to do in this technology class. But I faced this challenge as I had every challenge before it, head on. I did a lot of firsts in my technology class that I never thought I would have done. I created a blog, I created a PowerPoint that focused on a lesson, and I even created my own classroom website. Each of these challenges helped me become an efficient computer user. Now I am not scared to work with technology because I have learned valuable skills I will need to teach my students someday.
The assignment I struggled with the most was the excel program. I am still having trouble with this program. I had to have a friend help me with my assignment because I honestly didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I tried five different times to do the assignment but each time I got more confused and lost. At one point I seriously considered dropping out of school all together because I knew I was in way over my head. I am really glad I changed my mind.
My favorite assignment I did during my technology class was creating my very own classroom website. I had never done anything like this before and had some serious concerns about doing it. I have always been scared of putting too much information online where everyone can see it but I decided I wouldn’t put anything that was too personal on my website. I started working on my website on Tuesday night. I had it done and published on Wednesday evening. I really enjoyed making my website. I scripted the website like it was the start of a new school year. I included links for my parents and students. Because my last name is Jett, I used this in my website name, Mrs. Jett’s High Flyers. I thought that had a cute ring to it. I know I can use my classroom website to offer my students links to websites that provide extra help in specific subjects. I can use the website to give announcements for my parents about upcoming events. I can even use the website to offer ways my parents can get in contact with me. My classroom website has so much potential for educational use. I am so glad I faced this challenge and succeeded in making a functional website I can use now and later when I have my own classroom.
This semester I have faced a number of challenges. Each challenge I have faced head-on and with all my might. I have overcome many obstacles both educational and family. I am leaving this semester with wide eyed enthusiasm for the rest of my college education.  I will look back at this semester and remember fondly how I fought technology and I won the battle.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Technology Integration

I have been thinking how I would incorporate technology into my classroom when I start teaching. I had hit a wall when it came to things I could do to integrate technology into lesson plans that my students would find exciting and help them learn. I couldn’t think of any new and exciting ways to integrate technology until I started my Education Technology class’s new module. I started to realize I could use lots of different forms of technology to gain my students’ understanding of core concepts. I could have them read books and write book reports using the Word program. They could then take this book report and make a PowerPoint presentation about if they would recommend this book to a friend and if they wouldn’t recommend it why. They could use websites that would help them learn math and could also use websites to help them understand History. Technology really could be incorporated into all areas of curriculum. There were so many different thing I could have my students do, I was then overwhelmed.
After I calmed down I wondered what a normal classroom would be like in ten years. Would it still put an emphasis on technology or would it have reverted back to lectures and notes. I like to think that classrooms will still integrate technology into lesson plans. The world is leaning toward a life full of computers and technology in general. I heard on the news this morning that analysts are predicting that people will not use paper money in the future. I don’t understand how this will work but I hope they figure it out. I think teachers will still integrate technology into the classroom because it is still important to the world. In fact teachers might rely on technology more than they use it today. All lessons will be done with computers. Students will not have to learn to spell or do math anymore because they will have spell check and calculators to give them the correct answers. I worry about how the students of tomorrow will function when they get out of school. My daughter is a freshman in the high school. I was shocked over this past month when I asked my daughter what time it was one day. She couldn’t tell me because it wasn’t a digital clock. How could she have gotten this far in school without being able to tell time? She also has difficulties with money. This is really bothering me. I am worried about how she will survive if she can’t make change from a dollar. Will she still be living with me when she is a grown adult? I really hope these questions get answered quickly.
Then I started thinking about my son who is in middle school. How could I integrate technology if I was a teacher at his school? My son is having troubles with some of his teachers this year. He didn’t hit it off too well and is really struggling with Language Arts. If I were his Language Arts teacher how would I change things to ensure my students learned? I would start by thinking outside the box. I would bring in computer programs that would help with my students’ English skills. I would bring in as many computers as I could get to ensure all students worked on the programs at least twice a week. I would also have my students work in small groups making PowerPoint’s presentation to present to the class. If the students could put the terms into language that the other students would understand this would help me teach the lessons. I would also have the students work on projects that would incorporate some of their likes to. I would have them write a paper on their favorite artist. Or I could have the students analyze a popular song to see if the sentences make sense and have the correct subject verb agreement. I realized I could incorporate technology into any classroom; it just would take some time to do it. But as an effective teacher I promise I will take the time to incorporate technology to help my students learn.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Social Media Communciations

How has social media websites changed the way I communicate? That is a wonderful question. I was very reluctant to jump into the social media craze. My sister-in-law kept telling me that I needed to have a Facebook page so I could see pictures of my nephew Cade’s birthday party. I am a pretty private person and didn’t want my personal information floating around in cyberspace but after some coaxing from different people I reluctantly joined Facebook. I immediately liked what I found. I found it interesting to be able to find people I haven’t seen since high school. I have often wondered where some of my friends had landed after graduation. With the invention of Facebook all I had to do was type in their name and boom there they were, well most of them anyway. I didn’t really use Facebook for anything but looking at pictures until I reenrolled in college.
When I reenrolled at Columbia State I found it was very easy to find most of my classmates on Facebook. This gave us a place to talk about missed lessons and homework assignments. This also gave us a space to vent about any teachers we felt were being unfair to us as students. It is very easy to post a comment about someone when you know they will not see your comment. I have seen my fair share of people commenting badly about someone they know only to have that person find out what they had said. One thing I noticed when I use Facebook, is when it comes to younger people, they are more likely to say something questionable about someone else. I am not sure if they don’t think that person will see it or not. I have told my children everything you have ever put online will stay there. They are not to put any kind of personal information of any kind on Facebook. My daughter has a Facebook page and she can’t use a picture of herself as her profile picture. I have seen too many episodes of To Catch a Predator.
I have noticed that my communication skills have grown more cautious as I have used Facebook. I don’t post things like I used to, I never posted comments about everything I did but only posted the most important stuff. I have a friend on Facebook who posts when she goes to take a bath. (I think that is a little too personal for me, but it must be just fine for her.) The only things I post now are comments or questions I have about a class I am taking. Facebook is a wonderful place to connect with classmates because if I have a question I know one of my classmates will help me solve my problem. Facebook is also a wonderful place to visit when someone you know is in the hospital or are on vacation. I have a friend who is currently in the hospital. She has her laptop with her and we can check in on her right from the comfort of our house. I would love to visit her in the hospital but she is in one that is far from my house.
I know Facebook has changed the way I communicate to some extent but I still think I prefer face to face communication over cyber communication. I really like Facebook but I think it is time to find other things to use for communication. I think the next conversation I have will be in person instead of instant chat on Facebook.  

Monday, October 31, 2011

Reflections on PowerPoint Lesson Plan

When I opened the content files for module 4 in my Education class I was so excited. For this lesson we had to make a PowerPoint that would go along with our lesson plan we had made for the previous module. I haven't made a lot of PowerPoints but I have enjoyed each one I have made. I love being able to pick the background and animations I can use for the PowerPoint. The hardest part I had for the project was trying to give out steps for my lesson. I really didn't know if I was supposed to use the PowerPoint to teach my lesson or just explain it to a group of adults. Since my lesson was for the 3rd grade, you can see my problem. I decided to use my PowerPoint as a lesson for my 3rd grade "class". With that problem solved, I then couldn't decide on a background for my PowerPoint. I didn't like any of the standard backgrounds I found on the program. I decided I would look elsewhere for a background. My lesson plan was predicting the color that is found the most often in a regular size bag of M&M's. I decided to go to the M&M's website to see if I could get an inspiration. I found on their website you could make a background for your computer. I made a background and used it as my background for my PowerPoint. I thought it was so cute. After I figured out the background, it didn't take me long to have the whole PowerPoint made. It took longer to put all the required features in the PowerPoint than it took to actually make it! My finished PowerPoint is by far my favorite one so far that I have made. I am so glad my teacher gave me a challenging assignment.
After making this PowerPoint, I started to think about how I could incorporate multimedia into my other lesson plans. This is a big part of learning for today's students. They have grown up working on Ipods, computers, and cell phones. I realized I would need technology in all aspects of my teaching in order to be an effective teacher to today's technology driven students. I could incorporate technology by having my students work on their own PowerPoints. I really enjoyed this lesson I had done making a PowerPoint, so I knew my students would like to make one also. I could have my students, even as young as Kindergarten, read books and instead of the traditional book reports they could make a PowerPoint as to why the other students in the class should read that book. This gives the students a chance to tell their classmates if they liked the book and what was their favorite part. Another way I can use technology in my classroom is by having the students work on spreadsheets and word processing documents. I could provide my students with time to work on computers all during the day to provide them with skills they will need when they are older. They have grown up using technology, so why shouldn't they use it inside the classroom? I know in a lot of cases they probably know more than me when dealing with technology, but that is the exact reason why I am taking a Technology Education course. I want to provide my students with every opportunity I can for them to succeed!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Excel Reflections

As a mother of two children, I thought I was done with learning new ways to achieve results. Well over this past week, I realized I was completely wrong about learning new things. I was presented with an assignment that went way beyond my knowledge of understanding. I didn't know where to begin my new experience but I decided I was going to attack the new obstacle head on and accomplish the task.
In my ELED 3300 class I was assigned the task of creating two Excel spreadsheets. Up until this assignment, I had only made one functional spreadsheet. This spreadsheet used the basic Auto Sum feature to keep track of amounts. For this class, I had to create two spreadsheets, one that would be used as a grade book and another one that was a shopping list. When I opened up my assignment, my mind immediately went into overload. I had no idea how to do this type of spreadsheet. I watched the videos my teacher had put with the instructions but I was still confused on this assignment. Eventually, I talked to a friend who was knowledgeable with spreadsheets and she sat down to help me with creating them. She spent about three hours walking me through how to use a spreadsheet. I learned so much from my friend that after I was alone I create a spreadsheet, without any help, to use with my integrated lesson plan. Once I figured out how to create a spreadsheet it was easy. I believe I was over thinking the whole creation of a spreadsheet. But until I learned how to create it on my own, I was so thankful I had a good friend who could help me with understanding spreadsheets.
After learning how to create a spreadsheet, I realized how many different ways I could incorporate them into my daily life. I could create a household budget that would track our expenses and we could even use one to keep track of car maintenance. But the main way I could use spreadsheets would be inside a classroom. I could use a grade book that is a spreadsheet. By using a spreadsheet I would have easy access to all of my students grades when their parents stopped by my room to ask about their child's performance. It would allow me to find their child's grades easily and quickly. This could be a wonderful way to help with time management for teachers.
After I started thinking about spreadsheets, I started wondering if I could use them for my students and not just for me as the teacher. I decided there were a lot of different ways I could use spreadsheets as lessons in my classroom. One way I could use them is to teach a lesson about predictions. I could make a spreadsheet that would give the percentages of each color in a bag of M&M's. The students would use their mental math to predict which color was most common and then determine if they were correct or not. They could also use a spreadsheet to keep track of the AR points in reading. I decided, after thinking about spreadsheets, how they could be very useful inside a classroom for both the teacher and the students.
In the past week, I decided I am not too old to learn new things. After this past week I decided that old saying "you can't teach old dogs new tricks" is wrong. As long as you have a wonderful teacher, or friend, who will stay with you  until you know it, "old dogs" can learn anything!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reflections Over the Past Week

As I sat down to write my reflection over this past week I realize I have done a lot of firsts this past week in education. I went to parent teacher conferences at new schools and I created my very first blog. It really was a wild week.
It started last Monday. I went to my first parent teacher conferences at both the high school and middle school. My daughter is a freshman at the high school this year. Her teachers remarked about how well behaved she is in their classes and how her grades are really good. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in the second grade. She has been medication free for the past three years but still struggles with her grades. I was extremely proud of her and couldn’t wait to tell her daddy about her accomplishments.
Now on to the second first of last Monday, I headed to the middle school where my son is a seventh grader. He has always done really well in school, so when he brought home his progress report and it contained a failing grade I was really shocked. The failing grade was only in one subject, Language Arts. All of his other grades were either low A’s or high B’s. As I walked into the school I was mad at the teacher because I felt she should have told me about my son’s grade earlier. If I had known about his grade I could have been working with my child and helping him improve his grades and test taking skills. I talked to his other teachers first so I could spend more time with the teacher my son was struggling with. As I walked down the hall to his Language Arts class I realized there was a long line of very angry parents waiting to talk to his teacher. At this point I realized it wasn’t just my child who was failing in this class. I took my spot in this line and waited to talk to his teacher. I could hear all the parents complaining about the grading system of this particular teacher. I was mad at his teacher when I came into the school but as I stood in line waiting I started to feel sorry for her. By the time I entered my son’s Language Arts room the conference was supposed to be over but there was still a long line that wrapped around the corner. I am not sure what time his teacher made it home that night or if she was able to talk the next day. I entered his school at 4:00 in the afternoon and I left at 6:45. After standing in line for what seemed like an eternity and not receiving an answer to why he was failing this class, I walked to my car thinking how I would handle this type of situation when I have my own classroom.
With the question how would I handle this type of situation still fresh in my mind I entered into module 2 of my ELED 3300 Technology class. This is when I was hit with an easy answer of how to prevent situations like this one. In module 2 I had to create a blog. I had never created a blog but was really excited about the challenge. I could use this blog for my own classroom after I graduate. I could relay information to my students’ parents about upcoming test and homework assignments on my blog.  I could remind parents to always check their students’ homework and look for any notes from the teacher. I could post links to helpful websites that would provide students with extra help with skills they are having trouble understanding. I could use this classroom blog to help both parents and students understand rules and core concepts of the classroom. By using this blog students could reinforce the technology skills they will need later in life. I think communication between teachers and parents are essential for a successful education and one way I plan to provide each of my students a successful education is by using this blog.
This past week was a challenge in many different ways but I can handle anything that is thrown in my direction. I will attack these challenges with dignity and conquer each and every challenge.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New At This!

I am so excited to have created my very first classroom blog. I hope I can figure out how to make this blog great so we can all have a wonderful school year!